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Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company: creativity and the institution

Autor Colin Chambers


Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company: creativity and the institution
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  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415212021
  • ISBN10 0415212022
  • Type Book
  • Pages 262
  • Published 2004
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company: creativity and the institution

Autor Colin Chambers


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Book Details

"This is the inside story of the Royal Shakespeare Company - a running historical critique of a major national institution and its location within British culture, as related by a writer who is uniquely placed to tell the tale." "It describes what happened to a radical theatrical vision and explores British society's inability to sustain that vision. Spanning four decades and four artistic directors, inside the Royal Shakespeare Company is a multi-layered chronicle that traces the company's history, offers investigation into its working methods, its repertoire, its people and its politics, and considers what the future holds for this bastion of high culture now in crisis." Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company is compelling reading for anyone who wishes to explore behind the scenes and consider the changing role of theatre in modern cultural life. It offers a timely analysis of the fight for creative expression within any artistic or cultural organisation, and is a vital document of our times.
  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415212021
  • ISBN10 0415212022
  • Type Book
  • Pages 262
  • Published 2004
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Cloth