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Autor Joseph Finder


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  • Publisher ROCA EDITORIAL
  • ISBN13 8496284085
  • Type Book
  • Pages 474
  • Published 2004
  • Language Spanish
  • Bookbinding Rustic


Autor Joseph Finder


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Book Details

"Adam Cassidy is twenty-six and a low-level employee at a high-tech corporation who hates his job. When he manipulates the system to do something nice for a friend, he finds himself charged with a crime. Corporate Security gives him a choice: prison - or become a spy in the headquarters of their chief competitor, Trion Systems." "They train him. They feed him inside information. Now, at Trion, he's a star, skyrocketing to the top. He finds he has talents he never knew he possessed. He's rich, drives a Porsche, lives in a fabulous apartment, and works directly for the CEO. He's dating the girl of his dreams. His life is perfect. And all he has to do to keep it that way is betray everyone he cares about and everything he believes in." "But when he tries to break off from his controllers, he finds he's in way over his head, trapped in a world in which nothing is as it seems and no one can really be trusted." And then the real nightmare begins.
  • Publisher ROCA EDITORIAL
  • ISBN13 8496284085
  • Type Book
  • Pages 474
  • Published 2004
  • Language Spanish
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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