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Semantic cognition: a parallel distributed processing approach

Autor James L. McClelland / Timothy T. Rogers

Editorial MIT

Semantic cognition: a parallel distributed processing approach
-5% disc.    66,56€
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  • Publisher MIT
  • ISBN13 9780262182393
  • ISBN10 0262182394
  • Type Book
  • Pages 425
  • Published 2004
  • Bookbinding Cloth

Semantic cognition: a parallel distributed processing approach

Autor James L. McClelland / Timothy T. Rogers

Editorial MIT

-5% disc.    66,56€
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Book Details

This groundbreaking monograph offers a mechanistic theory of the representation and use of semantic knowledge, integrating the strengths and overcoming many of the weaknesses of hierarchical, categorization-based approaches, similarity-based approaches, and the approach often called "theory theory." Building on earlier models by Geoff Hinton in the 1980s and David Rumelhart in the early 1990s, the authors propose that performance in semantic tasks arises through the propagation of graded signals in a system of interconnected processing units. The representations used in performing these tasks are patterns of activation across units, governed by weighted connections among them. Semantic knowledge is acquired through the gradual adjustment of the strengths of these connections in the course of day-to-day experience.

The authors show how a simple computational model proposed by Rumelhart exhibits a progressive differentiation of conceptual knowledge, paralleling aspects of cognitive development seen in the work of Frank Keil and Jean Mandler. The authors extend the model to address aspects of conceptual knowledge acquisition in infancy, "basic-level" effects and their interaction with expertise, and many findings introduced to support the idea that semantic cognition is guided by naive, domain-specific theories. In what the authors call a "staggering irony," the model also addresses the disintegration of semantic knowledge in dementia, a condition now afflicting Rumelhart himself.
  • Publisher MIT
  • ISBN13 9780262182393
  • ISBN10 0262182394
  • Type Book
  • Pages 425
  • Published 2004
  • Bookbinding Cloth