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Deep black Biowar
  • ISBN13 9780312985219
  • ISBN10 0312985215
  • Type Book
  • Pages 401
  • Published 2004
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic
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Book Details

Dr. James Kegan, a world-renowned scientist specializing in germ warfare, has vanished from his upstate New York home. But this is no ordinary missing-persons case. Kegan has left behind an unidentified dead man with a .22 caliber hole in his skull - and a contact trail that leads to an alleged terrorist cell.

Unraveling the mystery is a job for Kegan's best friend, NSA operative Charlie Dean. His mission is to infiltrate the scientist's circle of associates and decipher Kegan's confidential research. Dispatched to cover Charlie is Delta Force trooper Lia Francesca. The trail leads them to the core of a widespread killer fever that's been dormant for centuries - and its link to a virus that's quickly spreading victim by victim. With time running out Charlie and Lia must find Kegan, uncover his secrets, cut a terrorist threat to the quick, and stop the unimaginable outbreak of a new biological nightmare.
  • ISBN13 9780312985219
  • ISBN10 0312985215
  • Type Book
  • Pages 401
  • Published 2004
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Rustic
Deep black Biowar

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