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Introducing Functional Grammar

Autor Geoff Thompson

Editorial HODDER

Introducing Functional Grammar
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  • Publisher HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340807163
  • ISBN10 0340807164
  • Type Book

Introducing Functional Grammar

Autor Geoff Thompson

Editorial HODDER

-5% disc.    31,64€
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Book Details

In this updated edition, Introducing Functional Grammar describes clearly each of the major grammatical systems in terms of the kind of meaning that they contribute to messages. Starting with simple procedures for identifying the choices in a particular system, each chapter discusses the functions of the system in context. New material on the implications of corpus data and an introduction to systems networks is included: and there is greater emphasis on the exploration of how grammatical analysis can illuminate meaning at text and discourse level. Much of the content has been reorganised and made more user-friendly in response to feedback from students as well as teachers and other linguists. There are numerous worked examples to illustrate the analysis at each stage, as well as practice activities for the reader to try out.
  • Publisher HODDER
  • ISBN13 9780340807163
  • ISBN10 0340807164
  • Type Book

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