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A hundred and one days

Autor Asne Seierstad


A hundred and one days
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  • Publisher VIRAGO PRESS
  • ISBN13 9781844081400
  • ISBN10 1844081400
  • Type Book

A hundred and one days

Autor Asne Seierstad


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Book Details

In January 2003 Asne Seierstad entered Baghdad on a ten-day visa. She was to stay for over three months, reporting on the war and its aftermath. A Hundred and One Days is her compelling account of a city under siege, and a fascinating insight into the life of a foreign correspondent. An award-winning writer, Seierstad brilliantly details the frustrations and dangers journalists faced trying to uncover the truth behind the all-pervasive propaganda. She also offers a unique portrait of Baghdad and its people, trying to go about their daily business under the constant threat of attack. Seierstad's passionate and erudite book conveys both the drama and the tragedy of her one hundred and one days in a city at war.
  • Publisher VIRAGO PRESS
  • ISBN13 9781844081400
  • ISBN10 1844081400
  • Type Book

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