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Rules,patterns and words:grammar and lexis in english language teaching

Autor Dave Willis


Rules,patterns and words:grammar and lexis in english language teaching
-5% disc.    36,90€
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Rules,patterns and words:grammar and lexis in english language teaching

Autor Dave Willis


-5% disc.    36,90€
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Book Details

Grammar is central to language pedagogy and teachers need a clear description of what constitutes grammar and how it can best be taught in the English language classroom. This book illustrates a new way of describing the grammar of spoken and written English. In an accessible style, the author demonstrates how lexical phrases, frames and patterns provide a link between grammar and vocabulary. He also discusses how the different aspects of the language require different learning processes and different teaching techniques. These processes and techniques are contextualised within a task-based approach to teaching and learning. Numerous interactive tasks are provided to guide readers, and over forty examples of teaching exercises are included to illustrate techniques which can be applied in the classroom immediately.

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