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The treatment of anxiety disorders:Clinician Guides and Patient Manuals

Autor Andrews Gavin / Mark Creamer / Rocco Crino


The treatment of anxiety disorders:Clinician Guides and Patient Manuals
-5% disc.    116,31€
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The treatment of anxiety disorders:Clinician Guides and Patient Manuals

Autor Andrews Gavin / Mark Creamer / Rocco Crino


-5% disc.    116,31€
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Book Details

The Treatment of Anxiety Disorders brought together concise yet thorough theoretical reviews with practical guides to treatment. In this completely revised second edition Gavin Andrews and his co-authors review new developments in the research and treatment of anxiety disorders and provide up-to-date treatment materials. Over half the material in the second edition is new, and there is an entirely new section covering posttraumatic stress disorder. This is a unique and authoritative overview of the recognition and treatment of anxiety disorders, giving Clinician Guides and Patient Treatment Manuals for each. The Clinician Guides describe how to create treatment programs, drawing upon materials and methods that the authors have used successfully in clinical practice for 15 years. The Patient Treatment Manuals provide session-by-session resources for clinican and patient to work through, enabling each patient to better understand and put into effect the strategies of cognitive behavior therapy.