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Torquemada at the stake/ Torquemada en la hoguera (A dual-language book)

Autor Benito Pérez Galdós

Editorial DOVER

Torquemada at the stake/ Torquemada en la hoguera (A dual-language book)
-5% disc.    14,90€
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  • Publisher DOVER
  • ISBN13 9780486434308
  • ISBN10 0486434303
  • Type Book

Torquemada at the stake/ Torquemada en la hoguera (A dual-language book)

Autor Benito Pérez Galdós

Editorial DOVER

-5% disc.    14,90€
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Book Details

A master of European realism, Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) is widely considered Spain's greatest writer of fiction after Cervantes. This 1889 novella focuses on a character who had appeared in Galdós' previous works (and who would reappear in three subsequent novels). Named after the infamous Grand Inquisitor of the fifteenth century, the latter-day Torquemada is an avaricious moneylender who attempts to restore his son's failing health through uncharacteristic acts of charity. Highly regarded by critics, Torquemada at the Stake is not widely available in English, making this dual-language edition of particular value.
  • Publisher DOVER
  • ISBN13 9780486434308
  • ISBN10 0486434303
  • Type Book

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