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Study Skills in English Audio CD 2nd.ed.

Autor Michael J. Wallace


Study Skills in English Audio CD 2nd.ed.
-5% disc.    32,90€
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Study Skills in English Audio CD 2nd.ed.

Autor Michael J. Wallace


-5% disc.    32,90€
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Book Details

This is a complete course in study skills for students in further and higher education institutions. Skills taught include: improving reading efficiency; note-taking; preparing for seminars; research techniques; essay organisation and presentation; exam preparation. One unit also deals with the social aspects of studying in Britain. The emphasis is on student activity and realistic practical work. To make the course as flexible as possible, suggestions are given in the Tutor's Book for 'full time' and 'minimum time' allocations within each unit. Full time allocations give about 90 classroom hours; the shorter programme can be completed in about 50 hours. The Tutor's Book also provides suggestions for further reading and answers to the exercises. Answers are also given in the Student's Book, so making it possible for most of the course to be used for individual study. The cassette recording contains the lecture material for Unit 3 Taking Notes.

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