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The Va dinci cod

Autor A.R.R.R. Roberts

Editorial ORION

The Va dinci cod
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  • Publisher ORION
  • ISBN13 9780575077195
  • ISBN10 0575077190
  • Type Book

The Va dinci cod

Autor A.R.R.R. Roberts

Editorial ORION

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Book Details

Something fishy is going on in the world of artistic scholarship. How can there possibly be a link between the hidden cod of Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings and the over fishing of the North Atlantic fish stocks? Could it be that Leonardo Da Vinci, the greatest genius of his age and inventor of the photocopier and mouse mat, had a chilling insight into European Union Fishing policies. Only one man can find out. Robert Hangdog, international scholar, master spy and action hero. Oh and Bezu Fish.
  • Publisher ORION
  • ISBN13 9780575077195
  • ISBN10 0575077190
  • Type Book

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