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Exploring the language of drama:From text to context

Autor Jonathan Culpeper


Exploring the language of drama:From text to context
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  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415137959
  • ISBN10 0415137950
  • Type Book

Exploring the language of drama:From text to context

Autor Jonathan Culpeper


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Book Details

Focusing on the characterization of speech as a form of action, Exploring the Language of Drama introduces students to the stylistic analysis of drama. Here, some of the world's leading scholars demonstrate the importance of analyzing the text of drama rather than

focusing on performance, presenting their approaches in an engaging and accessible style. The essays employ techniques from language analysis (specifically discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics and pragmatic) to explore the language of plays, looking at how different theories and

approaches can be used to help us understand characterization in dialogue, the cognitive patterns that support the narrative and discourse of drama, and the basic mechanisms of conversation in dramatic dialogue. Each chapter ends in a summary with follow-up exercises, and offers

practical advice on how to analyze a play extract and write it up as an assignment.

  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415137959
  • ISBN10 0415137950
  • Type Book

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