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New Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Students' CDs

Autor Frances Eales / Jane Comyns Carr


New Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Students' CDs
-5% disc.    30,30€
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New Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Students' CDs

Autor Frances Eales / Jane Comyns Carr


-5% disc.    30,30€
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Article Details

New Cutting Edgeáis the best-selling adult course known throughout the world for its practical approach toátask-basedlearning. Combined with a comprehensive grammar and skills syllabus, the course has a strong emphasis onávocabulary and pronunciation. Self-study CD-ROMs and software for the interactive whiteboard make it even more fun and engaging for learners.

  • This optional CD accompanies the Student Workbook and includes additional exercises on grammar and pronunciation

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