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Historical Dictionary of Iraq

Autor Edmund Ghareeb


Historical Dictionary of Iraq
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  • Publisher SCARECROW
  • ISBN13 9780810843301
  • ISBN10 0810843307
  • Type Book

Historical Dictionary of Iraq

Autor Edmund Ghareeb


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Book Details

Historical Dictionary of Iraq begins with the earliest civilizations and covers the periods that followed, ranging from the history of ancient Mesopotamia to the Abbasid Empire to present-day Iraq. Included are a historical overview; a country profile; a review of the economy, oil, fauna, and political institution; coverage of the Iran-Iraq War, the Kuwait invasion, and the second Gulf War, and other conflicts. The major ethnic groups, such as the Kurds, the Turkumans, and Assyrians; Islam and Muslim sects, Christianity and Christian sects, as well as other religious groups; are profiled. Dictionary entries also highlight the main political, religious, and ideological parties, groups, and organizations; major historical personalities; languages; literature; and cultural elements. A broad range of topics, both ancient and modern, are dealt with throughout the introduction and the dictionary, and a comprehensive bibliography complements this extensive historical reference.
  • Publisher SCARECROW
  • ISBN13 9780810843301
  • ISBN10 0810843307
  • Type Book