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The Innocent

Autor Harlan Coben


The Innocent
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  • Publisher ORION FICTION
  • ISBN13 9780752864747
  • ISBN10 0752864742
  • Type Book

The Innocent

Autor Harlan Coben


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Book Details

Matt Hunter's life has already been blown apart once. A fight, a friend in trouble, and the dull crack of someone's skull on the concrete cost him four years in jail, and a small sliver of his soul. When Matt got out he set about rebuilding his life. He carved himself a job as a lawyer and fell in love with a beautiful woman. The break in the road seemed only to have made him a stronger person. But now someone is following him, and Matt realises that his new existence is under threat. Suddenly Matt can't trust anybody - least of all those he loves...
  • Publisher ORION FICTION
  • ISBN13 9780752864747
  • ISBN10 0752864742
  • Type Book

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