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Comprehensive Classroom Management : Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems


Comprehensive Classroom Management : Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems
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  • Publisher ALLYN AND BACON
  • ISBN13 9780205414208
  • ISBN10 0205414206
  • Type Book

Comprehensive Classroom Management : Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems


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Book Details

"This is an outstanding book. I love how the authors have spelled out practical ways to bridge research and practice." Kathy Piechura-Couture Stetson University Comprehensive Classroom Management presents practical methods for creating a positive learning environment, working with behavioral problems, and dealing with a range of challenges in the K-12 classroom. This text uses real-life examples to help both pre- and in-service teachers understand and apply the principles of classroom management in their own classroom situations. Through numerous case studies, examples, and descriptions of specific strategies based on solid research and classroom experience, Comprehensive Classroom Management features classrooms ranging from kindergarten through twelfth grade. The book focuses on creating positive learning environments for students, and provides extensive, practical materials on both problem solving and building individual behavior change plans for students with behavioral problems. New to this Edition: *Rewritten thoroughly to edit excess quotes, references, and theory, while still offering clarity in background and research, the book is more concise and reads more smoothly. *"Pause and Consider" sections located throughout each chapter assist the student in applying the book's content to real-life situations and discussing the material with classmates. *Additional illustrations, added throughout the book, enhance student interest and lighten the mood of the text. *Graphic organizers, placed throughout the text, give students and instructors cognitive organizers to augment their experience. *Internet references throughout the book provide students and instructors with material to supplement the text's content. *New! Complete Instructor's Manual and CD with sample test items, activities, reproducible forms and links to useful sites will make course preparation far easier. *New! Classroom vignettes video free to adopters will illustrate management issues in short clips.
  • Publisher ALLYN AND BACON
  • ISBN13 9780205414208
  • ISBN10 0205414206
  • Type Book