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Autor John Harris

Editorial OXFORD U.P.

  • Publisher OXFORD U.P.
  • ISBN13 9780198752578
  • ISBN10 0198752571
  • Type Book


Autor John Harris

Editorial OXFORD U.P.

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Book Details

Framed with a substantial introduction by renowned scholar John Harris, this enlightening work brings together key articles on biomedical ethics over recent years. Harris also provides detailed overviews of each piece included in the volume. Covering a fascinating range of subjects, it explores areas such as the beginning of life, the end of life, the quality of life, future generations, and professional ethics. It not only will appeal to philosophy students and researchers interested in practical ethics, bioethics or medical ethics but also anyone who cares about health care.
  • Publisher OXFORD U.P.
  • ISBN13 9780198752578
  • ISBN10 0198752571
  • Type Book

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