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Post-natal depression

Autor Paula Nicolson


Post-natal depression
-5% disc.    42,30€
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  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415163637
  • ISBN10 0415163633
  • Type Book

Post-natal depression

Autor Paula Nicolson


-5% disc.    42,30€
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Book Details

Post-Natal Depression challenges the expectation that it is normal to be a "happy mother." Up to 90% of new mothers experience some form of depression, but traditional medical accounts pathologize it. Arguing that many of the issues linked to post-natal depression

are social rather than biological, Nicolson sets women's own accounts alongside expert evidence, and provides a radical critique of the traditional medical and social science explanations. The book supplies a systematic feminist psychological analysis of women's experiences following

childbirth and argues that, far from being an abnormal, undesirable, pathological condition, post- natal depression is a normal, healthy response to a series of losses.

  • Publisher ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN13 9780415163637
  • ISBN10 0415163633
  • Type Book

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