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Dimensions of Literacy : A Conceptual Base for Teaching Reading and Writing in School Settings

Dimensions of Literacy : A Conceptual Base for Teaching Reading and Writing in School Settings
66,62€ -5% disc.
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  • Publisher L.E.A.
  • ISBN13 9780805849417
  • ISBN10 0805849416
  • Type Book

Dimensions of Literacy : A Conceptual Base for Teaching Reading and Writing in School Settings

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Book Details

Educational institutions--and teachers in particular--are currently under intense scrutiny as the standards movement and high-stakes testing increasingly determine what is taught, when it is taught, and how it is taught. If literacy teachers are to have a voice in these policies and practices, it is critical that they have an understanding of what literacy entails. Because they work with students' reading and writing on a daily basis, teachers have an intuitive sense of the complexities of the literacy processes. The intent of Dimensions of Literacy: A Conceptual Base for the Teaching of Reading and Writing in School Settings, Second Edition is to make this teacher knowledge explicit, as well as to more fully develop it. It is essential reading for all teachers and students in the field of literacy education.
  • Publisher L.E.A.
  • ISBN13 9780805849417
  • ISBN10 0805849416
  • Type Book