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Planning and Task Performance in a Second Language

Autor Rod Ellis


Planning and Task Performance in a Second Language
-5% disc.    47,90€
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  • Publisher JOHN BENJAMINS
  • ISBN13 9789027219626
  • ISBN10 9027219621
  • Type Book

Planning and Task Performance in a Second Language

Autor Rod Ellis


-5% disc.    47,90€
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Book Details

The last decade has seen a growing body of research investigating various aspects of L2 learners' performance of tasks. This book focuses on one task implementation variable: planning. It considers theories of how opportunities to plan a task affect performance and tests claims derived from these theories in a series of empirical studies. The book examines different types of planning (i.e. task rehearsal, pre-task planning and within-task planning), addressing both what learners do when they plan and the effects of the different types of planning on L2 production.
  • Publisher JOHN BENJAMINS
  • ISBN13 9789027219626
  • ISBN10 9027219621
  • Type Book