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The day of the locust (Red Classics)

Autor Nathanael West


The day of the locust (Red Classics)
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  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141023656
  • ISBN10 0141023651
  • Type Book

The day of the locust (Red Classics)

Autor Nathanael West


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Book Details

Tod Hackett is a brilliant young artist - and a man in danger of losing his heart. Brought to an LA studio as a set-designer, he is soon caught up in a fantasy world where the cult of celebrity rules. But when he becomes besotted by the beautiful Faye, an aspiring actress and occasional call-girl, his dream rapidly becomes a nightmare. For, with little in the way of looks and no money to buy her time, Tod's desperate passion can only lead to frustration, disillusionment and rage.
  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141023656
  • ISBN10 0141023651
  • Type Book

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