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The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky

Autor James McGilvray


The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky
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The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky

Autor James McGilvray


-5% disc.    47,04€
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Book Details

Noam Chomsky is one of the most influential thinkers of modern times. The most cited writer in the humanities, his work has revolutionised the field of linguistics, and has dominated many other disciplines including politics and the philosophy of mind and human nature. He has also contributed significantly to our understanding of the abuse of power, and of the controlling effects of the mass media. This companion brings together a team of leading linguists, philosophers, cognitive scientists and political theorists to consolidate the disparate strands of Chomsky's thought into one accessible volume. Through a range of chapters focusing on the various aspects of his work, they introduce in a clear and non-technical way the central themes of his extraordinary effect on our understanding of language, mind, and the abuse of political power. Comprehensive and informative, this is an essential guide to one of the leading intellectual figures of our time.

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