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The kingdom by the sea: A journey around Great Britain

Autor Paul Theroux


The kingdom by the sea: A journey around Great Britain
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  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780140071818
  • ISBN10 0140071814
  • Type Book

The kingdom by the sea: A journey around Great Britain

Autor Paul Theroux


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Book Details

After eleven years as an American in London, Paul Theroux set out to travel clockwise round the coast and find out what Britain and the British are really like. It was 1982, the summer of the Falklands War and the royal baby, and the ideal time, he found, to suprise the British into talking about themselves. This book is the result of this trip.
  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780140071818
  • ISBN10 0140071814
  • Type Book

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