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An introduction to Syntax:Fundamentals of Syntactic Analysis

Autor A. Moravcsik


An introduction to Syntax:Fundamentals of Syntactic Analysis
-5% disc.    42,14€
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An introduction to Syntax:Fundamentals of Syntactic Analysis

Autor A. Moravcsik


-5% disc.    42,14€
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Book Details

This comprehensive introduction to syntax explains the basic concepts of syntax, and how the structures which are in place for describing the world can also be applied to a description of language structure. Edith Moravcsik presents a detailed introduction to syntactic description, including linear order, selection, categories, meaning, sound form, variation and change. The final selection provides a summary which looks at how we can explain syntax. The book includes student-friendly features, such as chapter summaries, suggestions for further reading, exercises, and a glossary of terms.

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