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Russian Modernism : The Transfiguration of the Everyday

Russian Modernism : The Transfiguration of the Everyday
47,04€ -5% disc.
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  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521024495
  • ISBN10 0521024498
  • Type Book

Russian Modernism : The Transfiguration of the Everyday

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Book Details

This book interprets the baffling complex of meanings attached by Russian culture to the concept of everyday life, or byt, and assesses its impact on Russian modernist narrative. Drawing on modern literary theory and theology, Stephen C. Hutchings argues that byt emerged from a dialogue between two aesthetic systems, one predominant in Western Catholic and Protestant cultures, the other reflected in Orthodox iconic traditions. He offers provocative, yet careful, readings of key narrative texts from the period.
  • Publisher CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521024495
  • ISBN10 0521024498
  • Type Book