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The Black Prince

The Black Prince
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  • Publisher VINTAGE
  • ISBN13 9780099283997
  • ISBN10 0099283999
  • Type Book

The Black Prince

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Book Details

A story about being in love, "The Black Prince" is also a remarkable intellectual thriller with a superbly involuted plot, and a meditation on the nature of art and love and the deity who rules over both. Bradley Pearson, its narrator and hero, is an elderly writer with a 'block'. Encompassed by predatory friends and relations - his ex-wife, her delinquent brother and a younger, deplorably successful writer, Arnold Baffin, together with Baffin's restless wife and youthful daughter - Bradley...
  • Publisher VINTAGE
  • ISBN13 9780099283997
  • ISBN10 0099283999
  • Type Book

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