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Changes. A love story

Autor Ama Ata Aidoo


Changes. A love story
-5% disc.    15,00€
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  • Publisher HEINEMANN
  • ISBN13 9780435910143
  • ISBN10 0435910140
  • Type Book
  • Language English

Changes. A love story

Autor Ama Ata Aidoo


-5% disc.    15,00€
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Book Details

"Changes" is a spirited and poignant story about Esi, an independent woman who leaves her husband, Oko, because he intrudes on her time and personal space. Confronted with the difficulty of finding love and companionship on acceptable terms, Esi meets Ali and falls in love, but she must decide if she is willing to make the changes necessary for a relationship. In "Changes", the renowned Ghanaian writer, Ama Ata Aidoo, addresses various issues in contemporary African women's lives: love, career, betrayal and family, without offering simple solutions.

  • Publisher HEINEMANN
  • ISBN13 9780435910143
  • ISBN10 0435910140
  • Type Book
  • Language English