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Speaking Greek 2 Audio CD set (Second Edition)

Autor Joint Association of Classical Teachers


Speaking Greek 2 Audio CD set (Second Edition)

Speaking Greek 2 Audio CD set (Second Edition)

Autor Joint Association of Classical Teachers


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An accompanying leaflet provides a summary, a description of technical terms and further reading. These new CDs will enlighten the experience of the student of ancient Greek, demonstrating that this was a living language, spoken as well as read.

Speaking Greek supports the second edition of the bestselling beginner's course, Reading Greek, by providing on two CDs lively new recordings of some of the ancient texts presented in the Text volume. Made by experts and accompanied by special sound effects, the tracks include readings from Homer, Herodotus, Euripides, Aristophanes and Demosthenes. There is also a new introductory track containing a talk by Professor David Langslow about the sounds of ancient Greek.