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More Than Just a Meal: The Art of Eating Disorders


More Than Just a Meal: The Art of Eating Disorders
-5% disc.    29,70€
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More Than Just a Meal: The Art of Eating Disorders


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Clients with eating disorders often respond well to the creative and non-threatening environment of the arts therapies. Susan Makin, who has worked closely with anorexics and bulimics, here explores how art therapies, art therapy in particular, but also creative journalling and poetry-writing, can be integrated into a multi-disciplinary approach to the treatment of eating disorders, in conjunction with medical programmes. Makin discusses the creative work and personal accounts of around thirty patients, examining their use of media, imagery and symbolism. She analyses the patterns which emerge and explores their implications for the patient's treatment, emphasizing the importance of taking a patient-centred approach.