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Mary (Great Loves)

Mary (Great Loves)
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  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141032900
  • ISBN10 0141032901
  • Type Book
  • Pages 136
  • Language English

Mary (Great Loves)

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Book Details

Alone in his room in a dirty Berlin pension, Ganin reminisces about Mary, his first love. He fantasizes that a fellow lodger's wife, due to arrive the next day, is his long-lost sweetheart and plots how they will run away together, leaving everything else far behind ...United by the theme of love, the writings in the "Great Loves" series span over two thousand years and vastly different worlds. Readers will be introduced to love's endlessly fascinating possibilities and extremities: romantic love, platonic love, erotic love, gay love, virginal love, adulterous love, parental love, filial love, nostalgic love, unrequited love, illicit love, not to mention lost love, twisted and obsessional love...
  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141032900
  • ISBN10 0141032901
  • Type Book
  • Pages 136
  • Language English

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