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Kodansha's Romanized Japanese-English Dictionary


Kodansha's Romanized Japanese-English Dictionary
-5% disc.    28,85€
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Kodansha's Romanized Japanese-English Dictionary


-5% disc.    28,85€
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Book Details

With a copy of this dictionary in hand, students of Japanese have an up-to-date and practical reference that they can depend on as they progress through their studies. Until now, even beginners have had to struggle with inadequate materials that require at least a basic command of kanji. Learners at every level have all felt the need for a dictionary that is at once compact, comprehensive, and designed for their needs. The Romanized Japanese-English Dictionary unique for precisely this reason.

Based on an established and widely used dictionary for Japanese junior high school students, this volume has been modified and expanded to meet the special requirements of nonnative learners. And because entries are romanized and listed in familiar alphabetical order, even the complete novice with no knowledge of kanji or kana will find this dictionary remarkably easy to use.

All 16,000 entries are presented in both romanized and standard Japanese script. Specially tailored definitions and a generous selection of sample sentences offer expert guidance on points of grammar, meaning, style, orthography, pronunciation, and punctuation. Further, the all-important foreign loan word, often ignored in other basic dictionaries, is given ample coverage and in-depth treatment. At the back, three detailed appendices clearly explain such complicated areas as conjugating verbs and adjectives, counting, and articulating foreign place names in Japanese.