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Dust (Kay Scarpetta Mysteries)

Autor Patricia Cornwell

Dust (Kay Scarpetta Mysteries)
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  • ISBN13 9780399157578
  • ISBN10 0399157573
  • Type Book
  • Pages 512
  • Published 2013
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Hard cover

Dust (Kay Scarpetta Mysteries)

Autor Patricia Cornwell

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Book Details

The new Kay Scarpetta novel from the world's #1 bestselling crime writer. After working one of the worst mass killings in U.S. history, Scarpetta returns home to Cambridge, Massachusetts. Exhausted and ill, she's recovering at home when she receives an unsettling call. The body of a young woman has been discovered on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's rugby field. The victim, a graduate student named Gail Shipton, is oddly draped in unusual cloth and posed in a way that is too deliberate to be the killer's first strike. A preliminary examination in the sea of red mud where the body has been left also reveals a bizarre residue that fluoresces blood red, emerald green and sapphire blue. Physical evidence links the case to a series of uniquely weird homicides in Washington, D.C., where Scarpetta's FBI husband has been deployed to help capture a serial killer dubbed the Capital Murderer. The cases all connect and yet seem to conflict. Gail Shipton was murdered for financial gain--or was she? It will require the usual ensemble of characters to find out the truth, including Scarpetta's sidekick Pete Marino, who has undergone a drastic change in his life that places him center stage in a Cambridge investigation that puts everyone at risk.

  • ISBN13 9780399157578
  • ISBN10 0399157573
  • Type Book
  • Pages 512
  • Published 2013
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Hard cover