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Translation of Thought to Written Text While Composing


Translation of Thought to Written Text While Composing
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Translation of Thought to Written Text While Composing


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Book Details

"Panoramic in scope, theoretically dense, and finely detailed, this book is must reading for every writing researcher. It is a state-of-the-art resource that will support for many years to come professionals interested in advancing the knowledge of writing processes and improving instructional practices at all levels." - Paul M. Rogers, Ph.D., George Mason University, USA

 "This book represents a major leap forward in our understanding of the Translation processes involved in writing. The international and interdisciplinary set of authors present a critical outlook on research about translation that encompasses recent advances in both theory and methods. This allows the reader to gain a detailed and very up to date appreciation of the importance of translation to the development of writing." - Vince Connelly, Ph.D., Oxford Brookes University, UK

"This fascinating new book brings together disparate lines of research on translation processes in writing to create new insights. Translation -- the empty box in the original Hayes and Flower model of writing -- is where cognitive representations and language merge to create text and, thus, is central to understanding writing. This book should be required reading for every serious student of writing." - Charles MacArthur, Ph.D., University of Delaware, USA