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Why do Linguistics?. Reflective Linguistics and the Study of Language

Autor Fiona English / Tim Marr


Why do Linguistics?. Reflective Linguistics and the Study of Language
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  • ISBN13 9781441166098
  • ISBN10 1441166092
  • Type Book
  • Pages 304
  • Published 2015
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

Why do Linguistics?. Reflective Linguistics and the Study of Language

Autor Fiona English / Tim Marr


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Book Details

Why Do Linguistics? is an engaging introduction to the study of language. It covers a wide range of topics in an accessible and lively manner. There are numerous examples from everyday life to illustrate the points being made, all of which highlight the value of taking a deeper look at language issues and what they, in the broader sense, mean. The authors have given us a book that not only explains, but also helps us understand, the complexity of human communications from social, as well as multilingual and intercultural points of view. A very enjoyable book and one that beginning students of linguistics will especially relate to. -- Brian Paltridge, Professor of TESOL, University of Sydney, Australia Expert 'noticers of language' Fiona English and Tim Marr present a comprehensive and compelling case for the study of language from a social linguistics perspective. From announcements on public transport, to considering whether a shoe is a text they provide a persuasive and detailed explanation of how language is at once messy and systematic. They explore issues of identity, culture, language attitudes and linguistics diversity and convincingly show that linguistics is everywhere. The use of every day examples, including post cards and furniture assembly instructions makes clear the full reach of linguistic analysis and demonstrates that examining the world through a linguistic lens provides new ways of looking and of thinking. This is an engaging book written with verve, and highly recommended for anyone interested in language. -- Annabelle Mooney, Reader in the Department of Media, Culture and Language, University of Roehampton, UK This highly original overview of the field of linguistics answers the question posed by its title in multiple ways - all of them convincing, entertaining and informative. As someone working with secondary school English departments, I was particularly interested in Fiona English and Tim Marr's chapter arguing that language study should be given much more serious consideration in the school curriculum. I couldn't agree more and now feel more empowered than ever to make the case with anyone who might think otherwise. The book is very readable throughout and I would recommend it to anyone with a serious interest in language. I finished more convinced than ever that students at all levels need to do linguistics - and it made me want to do the subject all over again. -- Andrew McCallum, Co-Director of the English and Media Centre, London, UK
  • ISBN13 9781441166098
  • ISBN10 1441166092
  • Type Book
  • Pages 304
  • Published 2015
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

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