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Diseño de interiores. Estrategias y planificación de espacios

Autor Ian Higgins


Diseño de interiores. Estrategias y planificación de espacios
-5% disc.    35,00€
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  • ISBN13 9788415967958
  • ISBN10 8415967950
  • Type Book
  • Pages 192
  • Collection DISEÑO #
  • Published 2015
  • Language Spanish
  • Bookbinding Rustic

Diseño de interiores. Estrategias y planificación de espacios

Autor Ian Higgins


-5% disc.    35,00€
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Book Details

This wonderful tutorial, and a variety of clear, intricate sketches on every page, provide the solid technical foundation needed to depict every type of figure - young or old, male or female, standing, sitting, or in motion - and with style. Highly detailed drawings, some with grids, help capture the correct proportions for the skeleton, skull, head, torso, arms and legs; add light and shadow for tonal depth and create texture, volume and expressive lines. Generously illustrated with precise artwork this book combines practical step-by step guidance and inspiration for artists of all levels. This superbly-executed work includes all manner of insights, details and suggestions to add fantastic, living form and definition to figure drawings. There are sections on hands, feet, faces, backs, arms, legs, necks...great for help with figure drawing. This powerful book also displays the interplay between shape, form and line and offers a systematic approach to rendering dynamic action figures that seem to leap off the page, which makes it possible to visualise the body in every conceivable position without a model.

  • ISBN13 9788415967958
  • ISBN10 8415967950
  • Type Book
  • Pages 192
  • Collection DISEÑO #
  • Published 2015
  • Language Spanish
  • Bookbinding Rustic

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