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So you don't get lost in the neighbourhood

Autor Patrick Modiano


So you don't get lost in the neighbourhood
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  • ISBN13 9780857054999
  • ISBN10 0857054996
  • Type Book
  • Collection INGLES #
  • Published 2022
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

So you don't get lost in the neighbourhood

Autor Patrick Modiano


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Book Details

Jean Daragane, writer and recluse, has purposely built a life of seclusion away from the Parisian bustle. He doesn't see many people, he rarely goes out: he spends his life in a solitary world of his own making. His peace is shattered however, one hot September afternoon, by a threatening phone call from a complete stranger, who claims to have found Daragane's old phone book and wants to question him about a particular name it contains. But when Daragane agrees to meet the mysterious Gilles Ottolini, he realises that - try as he might - he cannot place the name "Guy Torstel" at all. Yet Ottolini is desperate for any information on this man...Finding himself suddenly entangled in the lives of Ottolini and his beautiful, but fragile young associate, Daragane is drawn into the mystery of a decades-old murder that will drag him out of his lonely apartment and force him to confront the memory of a long-suppressed personal trauma. Imbued with nostalgia, subtlety, and its own unique poetry, this darkly mysterious novel weaves a spell that provokes as much as it entrances.

  • ISBN13 9780857054999
  • ISBN10 0857054996
  • Type Book
  • Collection INGLES #
  • Published 2022
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

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