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The Multilingual City: Vitality, Conflict and Change

Autor Lid King


The Multilingual City: Vitality, Conflict and Change
-5% disc.    38,80€
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The Multilingual City: Vitality, Conflict and Change

Autor Lid King


-5% disc.    38,80€
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Book Details

This book is an exploration of the vitality of multilingualism and of its critical importance in and for contemporary cities. It examines how the city has emerged as a key driver of the multilingual future, a concentration of different, changing cultures which somehow manage to create a new identity. The book uses the recent LUCIDE multilingual city reports as a basis for discussion and analysis, and deals with both societal and individual multilingualism in a way that draws on the full range of their historical, contemporary, visual/audible, psychological, educational and policy-oriented aspects. The book will be of interest to students and researchers of multilingualism, migration studies, European Studies, anthropology, sociology and urbanism.