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The moving spotlight: an essay on time and ontology

Autor Ross P. Cameron


The moving spotlight: an essay on time and ontology

The moving spotlight: an essay on time and ontology

Autor Ross P. Cameron


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Book Details

The Moving Spotlight is a novel, plausible, and rigorous contribution to our understanding of the A-theories. It deserves the careful attention of any scholar working on time, ontology, or the methodology of metaphysics. (Meghan Sullivan, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews Online)

it's well worth the read because, even if you come away from the book holding onto the same view of time as you had going in, you will certainly learn something along the way ... I do think Cameron has breathed new life into the view, and getting on the roller coaster of The Moving Spotlight is a ride well worth taking. (Kristie Miller, Metascience)

Ross P. Cameron argues that the flow of time is a genuine feature of reality. He suggests that the best version of the A-Theory is a version of the Moving Spotlight view, according to which past and future beings are real, but there is nonetheless an objectively privileged present. Cameron argues that the Moving Spotlight theory should be viewed as having more in common with Presentism (the view that reality is limited to the present) than with the B-Theory (the view that time is just another dimension like space through which things are spread out). The Moving Spotlight view, on this picture, agrees with Presentism that everything is the way it is now, it simply thinks that non-present beings are amongst the things that are now some way. Cameron argues that the Moving Spotlight theory provides the best account of truthmakers for claims about what was or will be the case, and he defends the view against a number of objections, including McTaggart's argument that the A-Theory is inconsistent, and the charge that if the A-Theory is true but presentism false then we could not know that we are present. The Moving Spotlight defends an account of the open future?that what will happen is, as yet, undetermined?and argues that this is a better account than that available to the Growing Block theory.

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