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Talking About Global Migration: Implications for Language Teaching


Talking About Global Migration: Implications for Language Teaching
-5% disc.    135,90€
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Talking About Global Migration: Implications for Language Teaching


-5% disc.    135,90€
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Book Details

The 'settled' - the teachers, administrators, and others who shape schools and school systems - will better welcome the globally mobile if they understand how those mobile children and parents make sense of their movement. Weaving together 77 migrants' accounts here, Catalano masterfully shares key ideas to support this 'better welcome.' Edmund 'Ted' Hamann, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA This extraordinary and very accessible book, based on the theme of social justice, offers vivid accounts of the diverse and complex lived experiences of migrants around the world through their own voices, rather than media accounts. Theresa Catalano masterfully analyzes their fascinating stories using metaphor and metonymy and provides original, pragmatic suggestions for teachers educating migrant children. Linda R. Waugh, University of Arizona, USA

How do migrants describe themselves and their experiences? As the world faces a migration crisis, there is an enhanced need for educational responses to the linguistic and cultural diversity of student bodies, and for consideration of migrant students at all levels of the curriculum. This book explores the stories of over 70 migrants from 41 countries around the world and examines the language they use when talking about their move to a new country and their experiences there. The book interprets common themes from the stories using metaphor and metonymy analysis to lead to more nuanced understandings of migration that have implications for language teachers. The stories also dispel many stereotypes relating to migration, serving as a reminder to us all to consider our own language when talking about this complex subject.

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