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That's Not My Panda

That's Not My Panda
9,50€ -5% disc.
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  • ISBN13 9781409549833
  • ISBN10 1409549836
  • Type Book
  • Pages 10
  • Language English

That's Not My Panda

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Book Details

"Helps very young children develop language and sensory skills" - Sheffield City Council; "The brilliantly simple concept is a winner with very young children, trusted by parents and still one of the best baby series on the market" - The Bookseller; "A valuable and enjoyable learning tool." - Junior Parenting Magazine; "This range of books is perfect to share with wriggly toddlers. They're bright, bold, interactive and not too long. The latest addition features lots of foxes for little fingers to touch and sure to be another best-seller." - The Sun; "A fantastic range of indestructible chunky board books designed to appeal to inquisitive little fingers" - Mel Harris of Waterstone's

A touchy-feely board book with simple, repetitive text, tactile patches and bold illustrations suitable for babies and toddlers. A little, white mouse appears on every page, for children to spot.

  • ISBN13 9781409549833
  • ISBN10 1409549836
  • Type Book
  • Pages 10
  • Language English

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