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My Dog (for Teenagers): Level 2 (Friends Chinese Graded Readers)

Autor Hanban / Confucius Institute Headquarters


My Dog (for Teenagers): Level 2 (Friends Chinese Graded Readers)
-5% disc.    11,50€
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My Dog (for Teenagers): Level 2 (Friends Chinese Graded Readers)

Autor Hanban / Confucius Institute Headquarters


-5% disc.    11,50€
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Book Details

Friends is a set of Chinese graded readers for non-native Chinese students, which can be used both in and out of the class for readers of all ages. This book is written for teenagers, suitable for Chinese students who have learned 300 words corresponding to New HSK Level 2. It includes 10 essays, encompassing each writer s daily life, his/her thinking and feelings about life, and the introduction of the culture and customs in his/her country. It takes a broader perspective and bears a strong readability, brimming with vitality and childishness. After reading this book, students can understand simple language materials closely related to his/her daily life and get the general ideas of short Chinese passages. They will also learn to use familiar characters, words and sentences to answer the questions.

Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, as a public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education, is committed to providing Chinese language and cultural teaching resources and services worldwide. It goes all out in meeting the demands of foreign Chinese learners and contributing to the development of multiculturalism and the building of a harmonious world.