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How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents

Autor Julia Alvarez


How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
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  • ISBN13 9780747572657
  • ISBN10 0747572658
  • Type Book
  • Pages 320
  • Language English

How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents

Autor Julia Alvarez


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Book Details

'Simply wonderful writing, and there's a good deal of it in this debut novel by a lively and gifted author' Los Angeles Times 'Compelling ... a classic tale of immigration ... warm and honest' Elle 'She has beautifully captured the threshold experience of the new immigrant' New York Times Book Review 'In telling this story, Alvarez treats the subjects of immigration, exile, Hispanic culture and the American Dream with a sensitive and often irreverent touch' Washington Post

Yolanda Garcia is taking a trip to the Dominican Republic to revisit the country where she was born, and which her family was forced to flee for New York when she was a child. Previously privileged and wealthy, the family finds it hard to adjust to immigrant life in the Bronx, particularly their tough old-world father, Papi. As they try immerse themselves in the American way of life, Yolanda and her three sisters begin to rebel against Papi's traditions and values, each in their own way. But, however the girls may iron the curls from their hair and blend their Hispanic accents to fit in, they will always see the world through Dominican eyes. Now Yolanda needs to return one more time, to recover forgotten memories and remember that part of her she lost.

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  • ISBN13 9780747572657
  • ISBN10 0747572658
  • Type Book
  • Pages 320
  • Language English

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