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The Handmaid's Tale

Autor Margaret Atwood


The Handmaid's Tale
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  • Publisher VINTAGE BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9781784871444
  • ISBN10 1784871443
  • Type Book
  • Pages 512
  • Collection Vintage Classics #
  • Published 2016
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

The Handmaid's Tale

Autor Margaret Atwood


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Book Details

"Compulsively readable" (Daily Telegraph)

"Out of a narrative shadowed by terror, gleam sharp perceptions, brilliant intense images and sardonic wit" (Peter Kemp Independent)

"The Handmaid's Tale is both a superlative exercise in science fiction and a profoundly felt moral story" (Angela Carter)

"Moving, vivid and terrifying. I only hope it's not prophetic" (Conor Cruise O'Brien The Listener)

"The images of brilliant emptiness are one of the most striking aspects of this novel about totalitarian blindness...the effect is chilling" (Linda Taylor Sunday Times)


'It isn't running away they're afraid of. We wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself, given a cutting edge'

Offred is a Handmaid. She has only one function: to breed. If she refuses to play her part she will, like all dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. She may walk daily to the market and utter demure words to other Handmaid's, but her role is fixed, her freedom a forgotten concept.

Offred remembers her old life - love, family, a job, access to the news. It has all been taken away. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire.

Includes exclusive content: In The 'Backstory' you can read Margaret Atwood's account of how she came to write this landmark dystopian novel

'Compulsively readable' Daily Telegraph

Ver Descripción del producto

  • Publisher VINTAGE BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9781784871444
  • ISBN10 1784871443
  • Type Book
  • Pages 512
  • Collection Vintage Classics #
  • Published 2016
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback