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The Science Of Everyday Life

Autor Heidi Bieler

The Science Of Everyday Life
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  • ISBN13 9781782434184
  • ISBN10 1782434186
  • Type Book
  • Pages 224

The Science Of Everyday Life

Autor Heidi Bieler

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Book Details

Have you ever wondered why ice floats and water is such a freaky liquid? Or why chillies and mustard are both hot but in different ways? Or why microwaves don't cook from the inside out?

In this fascinating scientific tour of household objects, The One Show presenter and all-round Science Bloke Marty Jopson has the answer to all of these, and many more, baffling questions about the chemistry and physics of the everyday stuff we use every day.

Marty Jopson has a PhD in Cell Biology and is the resident scientist on BBC One's The One Show. Marty has been working in television for eighteen years, since his first job building props, and has been performing stage science around the UK for twenty years. His website is

  • ISBN13 9781782434184
  • ISBN10 1782434186
  • Type Book
  • Pages 224

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