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Play Card Games in Spanish

Autor Marie-Therese Bougard Stu McLellan

Play Card Games in Spanish
-5% disc.    11,69€
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  • ISBN13 9781909767911
  • ISBN10 1909767913
  • Type Book
  • Pages 40

Play Card Games in Spanish

Autor Marie-Therese Bougard Stu McLellan

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Book Details

Use the flashcards in the book to play card games or do magic tricks, all while learning some new Spanish words and phrases. Perfect for homeschooling, some extra practice, or engaging a whole classroom at school. Written by a professional languages teacher and tutor.

Marie-Therese has written and contributed to a variety of course books and other language-learning materials for different levels and formats, including bilingual books for b small publishing. Her writing is based on experience, observations and discussions with language learners of all ages and levels. Recent works include a ten-part series aimed at Key Stage 2 learners of French, broadcast by BBC School Radio in early 2017. It includes songs, stories, games, quizzes and interviews. Stu McLellan has been drawing for as long as he's been walking - making pictures is one of his great loves, as is being out in nature, where he feels most alive. He lives with his family in Hertfordshire.

  • ISBN13 9781909767911
  • ISBN10 1909767913
  • Type Book
  • Pages 40