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World Wonders 1: Grammar Book Grammar Book

Autor Alexandra Green


World Wonders 1: Grammar Book Grammar Book
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World Wonders 1: Grammar Book Grammar Book

Autor Alexandra Green


-5% disc.    24,75€
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Book Details

World Wonders is a three-level series for 9-11 year olds that capitalises on National Geographic photography and facts via reading texts and DVD clips. It also features an exciting adventure cartoon story for Levels 1 & 2. The course is structured around the Student's Books that contain twelve eight-page core units plus six review units.

Alexandra Green started her teaching career in Athens, Greece and taught modern foreign languages (English, French, German and Italian) for 16 years. She is currently the Academic Director at the Head Office of EUROGNOSI SA, where she evaluates prospective teachers, performs teacher training, conducts classroom observations and evaluates new technologies. She is the author of the Skills Booster series as well as other grammar materials and is a speaking examiner for the University of Cambridge (YLE, LMS, UMS, BEC & CBT trained). She holds an MA in the Management of Language Learning from the University of Greenwich, UK, a BA Joint Honours in French and Italian from the University of Reading, UK and a certificate in TEFL.

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