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Greeks Bearing Gifts

Autor Philip Kerr


Greeks Bearing Gifts
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  • ISBN13 9781786489494
  • ISBN10 178648949X
  • Type Book
  • Pages 1
  • Language English

Greeks Bearing Gifts

Autor Philip Kerr


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Book Details

1957, Munich. Bernie Gunther's latest move in a string of varied careers sees him working for an insurance company. It makes a kind of sense: both cops and insurance companies have a vested interest in figuring out when people are lying to them, and Bernie has a lifetime of experience to call on. Sent to Athens to investigate a claim from a fellow German for a sunken ship, Bernie takes an instant dislike to the claimant. When he discovers the ship in question once belonged to a Greek Jew deported to Auschwitz, he is convinced the sinking was no accident but an act of vengeance. And so Bernie is once again drawn inexorably back to the dark history of the Second World War, and the deportation of the Jews of Salonika - now Thessaloniki. As Europe prepares to move on to a more united future with Germany as a partner rather than an enemy, at least one person in Greece is ready neither to forgive nor forget. And, deep down, Bernie thinks they may have a point.

  • ISBN13 9781786489494
  • ISBN10 178648949X
  • Type Book
  • Pages 1
  • Language English

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