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She wants it: desire, power, and toppling the patriarchy

She wants it: desire, power, and toppling the patriarchy
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  • Publisher RANDOM HOUSE UK
  • ISBN13 9781785032844
  • ISBN10 1785032844
  • Type Book
  • Pages 256
  • Published 2018
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Board

She wants it: desire, power, and toppling the patriarchy

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Book Details

"A funny and brutally honest book about what it means to be a woman and what it takes to be a creator, She Wants It is deeply personal but always universal in its unapologetic recounting of a life lived and raw talent shared. Good. Detailed. Honest. Needed" (Amy Poehler)

"Fearlessly revealing, deeply felt, rigorous and compassionate, She Wants It offers an intimate portrait of Jill Solway's remarkable life and, simultaneously, a portrait of the larger human struggle to create, from a revolutionary TV show to a revolution in the culture itself. It's a rare and, yes, an important book" (Michael Cunningham, author of THE HOURS)

"She Wants It is an extraordinary examination of feminism, ambition, artistic desire, chance and career by one of the greatest American writer/directors working today. Soloway surveys the trajectory of their life, and the creation of their groundbreaking series Transparent, with courage, self-knowledge, humility, and wit. Their voice got inside me, I was totally hooked" (Chris Kraus)

"Jill Soloway's writing remains unparalleled by any other when it comes to entertaining us while slyly changing our culture toward acceptance and equality. She Wants It opens our eyes and makes us giggle all along. You will savour every word" (Amy Schumer)

"Most writers hide in memoirs, sharing little real stories. With generous open-hearted honesty, courage and compassion, Soloway invites us to hear true stories. They share the difficult painful revelations, triumphs and failures. Listening to them, readers laugh, cry, love and, most important, learn" (bell hooks)

"Jill Soloway is not only a stunningly talented series creator, they’re an archangel, here to rid us of the patriarchy. It’s a grand mission and it’s not easy going, She Wants It is their wild-winged, soft-hearted share-all. I loved their book so much – it is about everything I’m interested in; a personal life amidst daring creative endeavors" (Jane Campion)

"Fierce, funny and fabulous – this book is a triumph!" (Margaret Cho)

"Jill Soloway writes with passion, fierceness and vulnerability. In She Wants It we read an amazing story of changing worlds – both the one around her, which is forever altered by her ground-breaking series, Transparent, as well as the one dwelling deep within her own unruly heart. She Wants It tells the story of a revolution, both cultural and personal. I often had to pause to laugh, or cry, or to simply catch my breath in wonder. Provocative, generous and inspiring" (Jennifer Finney Boylan)

"What an unbelievable pleasure to see the world through Jill's eyes and bear witness to their incredible journey as an artist, activist, parent, child, sibling and uncontainable human being. Part memoir, part manifesto, pure magic. Read this book" (Van Jones)

"A searingly honest and generously tender memoir which seeks, without judgement, to understand the complexities of the human heart and soul" (Andrew McMillan)

A funny and brutally honest book about what it means to be a woman and what it takes to be a creator, She Wants It is deeply personal but always universal in its unapologetic recounting of a life lived and raw talent shared. Good. Detailed. Honest. Needed’ - Amy Poehler

One morning, half-awake in a shame spiral about what a shitty mother you are because you’re letting your kid watch so much TV, the phone rings.

‘Jilly? Are you sitting down?’

Are you sitting down? means something fucked up is coming…

When Jill Soloway’s father, whom they had always understood to be male, came out as transgender, everything shifted. For one, the moment became the inspiration to push through the male-dominated landscape of Hollywood and create the award-winning TV series Transparent. Exploring identity, love, sexuality, and the blurring of boundaries, the show gave birth to a new cultural consciousness. But also, by eventually coming out as queer and non-binary, the lines on Jill’s own gender map began to be erased.

This is the story of that journey.

She Wants It charts Jill's intense and revelatory experience, growing from straight, divorced, mother of two – to non-binary genderqueer director, show creator, and activist. Written with wild candour and razor-edged humour, it examines who we are, how we make art – and ultimately, who we can become.

  • Publisher RANDOM HOUSE UK
  • ISBN13 9781785032844
  • ISBN10 1785032844
  • Type Book
  • Pages 256
  • Published 2018
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Board