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China Rich Girlfriend (Book 2)

Autor Kevin Kwan


China Rich Girlfriend (Book 2)
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  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9781101973394
  • ISBN10 1101973390
  • Type Book
  • Pages 496
  • Language English

China Rich Girlfriend (Book 2)

Autor Kevin Kwan


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Book Details

It's the eve of Rachel Chu's wedding, and she should be over the moon. She has a flawless oval-cut diamond, a wedding dress she loves, and a fiancé willing to thwart his meddling relatives and give up one of the biggest fortunes in Asia in order to marry her. Still, Rachel mourns the fact that her birth father, a man she never knew, won't be there to walk her down the aisle. Then a chance accident reveals his identity. Suddenly, Rachel is drawn into a dizzying world of Shanghai splendor, a world where people attend church in a penthouse, where exotic cars race down the boulevard, and where people aren't just crazy rich ... they're China rich.

  • Publisher PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9781101973394
  • ISBN10 1101973390
  • Type Book
  • Pages 496
  • Language English

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