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Typescript of the Second Origin

Autor Manuel de Pedrolo

Editorial WESLEYAN

Typescript of the Second Origin
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  • Publisher WESLEYAN
  • ISBN13 9780819577429
  • ISBN10 0819577421
  • Type Book
  • Pages 184
  • Collection GARDNER #
  • Published 2018
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

Typescript of the Second Origin

Autor Manuel de Pedrolo

Editorial WESLEYAN

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Book Details

Manuel de Pedrolo's widely acclaimed post-apocalyptic novel, which includes a foreword by Kim Stanley Robinson, tells the story of two children who survive the brutal destruction of Earth by alien explorers. The protagonists, Alba and Didac, retreat to the forest, then journey to the rubble of Barcelona to rescue and preserve the remnants of human civilization in the city's bombed libraries and cultural institutions. In the absence of the rule of law and social norms, the children create a utopian world of two that honors knowledge and interracial love, to become a new Adam and Eve and try to bring about the world's second origin. A bestseller and required reading for secondary school students in Catalonia, Typescript of the Second Origin is indispensable to understand how a region of Spain whose language, culture, and institutions were targeted and punished by Francisco Franco. At the same time, Pedrolo's tale of survival reaches beyond national and cultural borders to offer contemporary international readers a timely warning about the threat of global ecological destruction.

[Author] MANUEL DE PEDROLO was born in L'Arany (Lleida), Eastern Catalonia, in 1918 and died in Barcelona in 1990. A prolific writer in all genres, Pedrolo experimented with new forms and content. He fought on the side of the Republican during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and was a critic of the repressive policies of Franco's regime (1939-1975), which included censorship of the Catalan language. Within the field of science fiction, Pedrolo's greatest contribution was without a doubt Typescript of the Second Origin. [Translator] SARA MART N is a senior lecturer in English literature and cultural studies at the Universitat Aut noma de Barcelona. As a researcher she specializes in popular fiction, particularly gothic and science fiction, and in gender studies. This is her first literary translation into English. [Foreword] KIM STANLEY ROBINSON is an American writer of science fiction. He has published nineteen novels and numerous short stories but is best known for his Mars trilogy. Robinson has won many awards, including the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the Nebula Award for Best Novel, and the World Fantasy Award.

  • Publisher WESLEYAN
  • ISBN13 9780819577429
  • ISBN10 0819577421
  • Type Book
  • Pages 184
  • Collection GARDNER #
  • Published 2018
  • Language English
  • Bookbinding Paperback

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